
23 March 2012

What A Difference A Year Makes

I love to see musclemen develop over time.  Here is an example of the same competitor a year apart:

In 2010: (For some reason, the ability to embed this video has been disabled, but it's worth watching)

This guy was competing in the "under 70kg" class, which means that he weighed somewhere south of 154 pounds.  I think you'll agree that he isn't really in "competition condition" here.  But I love the bulk and mass of his physique.  His arms are just sick.  Definitely worship worthy in my book.

A year later, in 2011:

Same guy, a year later, competing in the "under 60kg" class, which means he weighed somewhere south of 132 pounds!  He is ripped to shreds and looking huge.  Weighing about 20 pounds less than the previous year, he looks amazing.  He may be like 13% lighter, but he is 100% more incredible.  His arms are still super sick.  I love the pose at about the :54 mark.  Even more worship worthy than the previous year!

1 comment:

Ivan said...

damn yeah man!


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