
31 August 2012

Lorenzo's Progress, Miscellaneous Shots

Just because he has been so successful in transforming his body from skinny boy to undeniable muscle god, and taken some great photos along the way.  Here are some more pictures of his progress.

Lorenzo at 14.

After a little training and some growth, he shows off in class.  Alpha!

Look at that arm! He's 15 for goodness sake!

Not much longer after that he's got serious muscles and can humiliate others just by flexing.  Alpha!

I can't even imagine having such a gorgeous and muscular physique as a teenager.  Look at that chest.

And a couple years later, here he is with the arms of a total muscle god.  Still a teen.

And this is how you build those godly muscles: by lifting with diligence and determination.  My God, those arms are just phenomenal.  And the chest is powerful.

Oh, yes.  the chest is powerful.  And so ends my tribute to Lorenzo Becker.  A teenaged muscle god.  An Alpha Male.  And completely worshipworthy!

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