
17 October 2008

A Monster In The Making

Can you believe the muscle on this guy? He's 19 or 20...the sources I've seen can't agree. Either way, though, this young man is a hunk and a half; a regular muscle stud. Just look at the mass: thick, dense muscle just bulging out all over! Hotness!


Tomas Santiago-Lopez said...

Oh My God! That is just AWESOME! I had to have more of him, and I found MORE!!!!! His name is Alexei Lesukov.

WOW! Just WOW! Of course, nothing beats the relaxed photo posted here. It is just the best, as you can really see his thickness. :P

Falseyedee said...

Isn't he amazing?! Especially given he's only 20 years old. Boggles my mind.


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