
26 February 2007

kobayashi and the press

kobayashi is on the right. i don't know the name of the hunk on the left. i find it interesting that the press can't seem to get kobayashi's size right. in the st. petersburg times there were recently two stories about kobayashi, who made a guest appearance at the tampa bay fan fest. in the first article, they asked him how he stayed so "skinny", to which he replied he weighed 76 kilos which he estimated at 150 pounds. it's actually 167 pounds. the reporter didn't do the math to check. a couple days later, in the same paper there was a story about kobayashi meeting one of the japanese players at the fan fest and the reporter said he weighed 132 pounds, which is the weight listed in the competitive eating federation bio.

but look at the guy! 150? 132? give me a break! i was figuring he weighed about 170 based on his recent pictures, pretty close to his actual current 167. i'm shocked that sports reporters who are always reporting on the height and weight of various athletes can't actually use their eyes and figure that 132 is maybe a little low. sheesh.

he's actually gained about 50 pounds since he first won the nathan's hot dog eating contest. hope he keeps it up. the bigger he gets the hotter and hunkier he is!

1 comment:

Donnie said...

From the looks of his more recent pics, I'd say he was closer to 170-175. I'd love to see him at a muscular and ripped 200 lbs! *swoon*


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