I am feeling somewhat random today. So I'm going to share a random selection of muscle men that I find attractive for a variety of reasons.
Lets start with Takeru Kobayashi, the hot dog eating champ. This photo was taken when he was at his peak as a competitive eater and a year or two before he hit his highest weight as a bodybuilder. This photo was taken as the competitors were being introduced. Seriously, look at his biceps here. Damn. That pose. That expression. Total PDA on his part, intimidating his competitors, declaring his dominance, and demanding respect!
Here's another PDA. Flexing in a restaurant! The bodybuilder's arm is just shredded and still huge. The poor little guy next to him knows he can't even compare. So does everybody else at the table. They know the skinny guy can't compare. They know that they can't compare. And the expression on the bodybuilder is one of such confidence, "yes, I am all that."
This guy is super handsome and those pecs! Oh, dear Lord, those pecs. This guy's chest is swollen like a balloon, inflated up, dwarfing his traps. This guy has cleavage that looks deep enough to swallow us up. His expression is odd, too. Hard to read. If you cover his forehead and eye brows, he looks so sweet, in contrast to the dominant mass of his chest. But if you see his entire face, he looks concerned or angry even, as if we have not pleased him. I really don't want to piss of a guy with a chest like that!
Kamil is a favorite of mine. He has a body type that I love: freaky. It is BEAUTIFUL, but it is freaky. He has the tiny waist I love, the big chest I love, the massive guns I love. And he has a great V-taper. But his neck is long, and his traps aren't well developed. He looks out of proportion in the very best way. And the expression in this photo is total cocky dominant. Love it.
This is a morph. But I don't care. It's hot. It is a fantasy of an ideal man: strong, narrow waist, massive pecs, mountains for traps, arms swollen with muscle. This is the kind of man I want to meet in bed. I want to feel the difference in size between his narrow waist and his huge chest. I want to feel those freaky pecs grinding into my body as he wraps those pythons around me and slowly squeezes me like a tube of toothpaste. Oh, yes, I do.
Sometimes I like my musclemen smaller, skinny even, geeky, too. This guy has a great arm. I love the look of determination on his face. His youth and his glasses tell one story. His flexing that arm tells another. He's a young muscle god in training. He's not full size yet, but he's dominant and he knows it. He isn't huge, but he's already worship worthy.
Here's another guy flexing in a restaurant. But who's noticing? Just us. It is private display in a public place. A totally cocky display of PDA. Risking embarrassing the viewer who is captivated by the display of muscle. We could be seen to be marveling at his muscle. He doesn't even have to take his shirt off for us to see how big his arm is and how stunning the peak is on his biceps. His traps are good and his waist is small. And is it my imagination, or is that look on his face one of pity, pity for us, the weaklings who are worshiping him in public.

And here we have today's ultimate muscle god. He's all business. Serious about his training. Serious about his muscle. He's a total stud. He knows it. We know it. The perfect Alpha male. Huge and ripped, his muscles are full and round and hard and he isn't even flexing. He can't wait to dominate us physically, probably with only one hand. Dying to experience that! There's a part of me that wants to let lose a barrage of punches to a gut like that. It's begging to be pounded. Of course, all that would do is hurt my hands. His abs look like brick wall of hard muscle. And it might just piss him off. Wonder what I'd have to do to make it up to him?