
30 July 2012

Muscle Comparisons

When I was bodybuilding I was a little bit cocky.  I liked the attention that came with having big muscles.  I dressed to show off what I'd worked so hard to build.  I liked it when some ordinary guy would ask me to "make a muscle for them".  I liked it even more when they would flex, too, and we could both see how much bigger my biceps were than theirs.  It made me feel so big and dominant: powerful.

Now that I am no longer bodybuilding, I enjoy seeing big muscle guys dressed to show off their big muscles. I enjoy asking muscle guys to "make a muscle for me".  I'll even flex my own muscles at the same time so we can both see how much bigger their biceps are than mine.  It makes me appreciate their dominance and power.

Nothing quite like seeing muscle gods compared to ordinary mortals.  A few I like:

Height doesn't necessarily make you a muscle god.

Don't be fooled by the Superman logo.  We can see who is the real superman here!

You know you've got a great body when you are a foot shorter than Sean Allen and can STILL hold your own in a physique comparison.

The little guy's smile tells all.  The muscle god is so big in comparison...his WRISTS are bigger than the little guy's biceps!  That's hot.

The little guy has the cockiness, the big guy isn't godly...I'm not sure who the winner is in this comparison.

But we know the winner here! The little guy in blue has some nice arms, but his buddy on the far left knows who's the Alpha...he can't keep his hands off the muscle god.

You don't always have to be massive to be a muscle god.  This man's ripped muscle is sufficient to impress most mortals.

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