
21 July 2011

Watching The Big Guy Struggle

I've posted video of these guys before.  Skip past the lifting and get to the flexing and arm wrestling:

In the previously posted arm wrestling video, the bigger, cocky guy was clearly the dominant arm wrestler.  He had complete control and toyed with his opponents.  It was pretty hot.

In this video, there seems to be a tide turn.  He has to work hard to put his opponents down.  He has to work harder and harder to do it as the video goes on.  Then they switch arms and he loses!  I'm not sure why it's so hot to see the bigger dominant guy have to struggle so hard and to lose to the smaller guys, but it is.

He had such control and had been clearly and decisively stronger before.  Now, just a few weeks later, the dominant alpha male gets dominated, and decisively, by much less muscular guys.  Love the tide turn!  Maybe this will spur him on to work harder and regain his dominance.

On the other hand, maybe this will motivate the smaller guys to work harder and get even stronger and take over the alpha male spot.  The big guy could become the boy toy for the little guys!

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