
13 February 2009

Life and Updates

Life is a funny, horrible, wonderful and awesome thing. We never know what direction it is going to take, or what variables are going to come in to play on our journey from here to there. This basic "true-ism" has been playing through my mind over the past few weeks.

First, the good news: the illustration for the early February story, Muscle Toy, have arrived from Archangel Robriel and been passed on to the Webguru. So the promised illustration should be going up shortly. Rob's been working hard and blessed us with multiple illustrations for this story. So I'm posting TWO BONUS illustrations. The first is here. The second will be in the Gallery at along with the promised illustration.

The mid-February post will be going up on schedule in a couple of days, too. So this is kind of like a mid-winter, St. Valentine's Day, President's Day treat. Stories and illustrations galore!

Then there's the bad news: the final installment of Tran's Formation is still languishing in my computer. My day job has gotten difficult. We laid off two people and those former coworkers' job responsibilities have been spread around to those of us remaining. In a small outfit like ours, this is not an inconsiderable amount of work added to our plates. In the midst of the economic difficulties, I'm working late just trying to keep up. I will finish Tran's Formation. But it won't be this week.

But fear not! The mid-February story is ready, as is the second installement and illustrations for the early March Muscle Toy, and the mid-March story, too! Uninterrupted muscley goodness!

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