
02 October 2006

a good shirt is a hard thing to find

sometimes a good shirt is all it takes to make a beefy guy look magnificent.

take, for instance, this handsome lad. he would turn heads and possibly stop traffic in street clothes that "fit". but in this wonderfully undersized polo shirt, he is such a stunner. good color for his skin and hair and just tight enough so that his pecs look like they need their very own zip code. his arms fill out the sleeves perfectly.

then, with a grin, he flexes those big arms and POW! a mountainous biceps stretches those same sleeves to the very limit! look at how his biceps are clearly defined, even under the sleeve's fabric. the slightly worn and tattered hem on the sleeve suggests that his muscles are so big the shirt can barely contain them.

sometimes, i see a guy with what appears to be a great build and i think, damn, if only i could see him without a shirt. other times, like with this guy, i just think, damn, he is one hot muscleman. the shirt is both tight enough to let me clearly see the bulging contours of his muscles, and modest enough not to shock polite society or scare the horses. lol.

1 comment:

Donnie said...

WOOF! This guy is the ultimate combination of beautiful looks and kick-ass physique! Thanks for posting him. The relaxed pics is great, but the flexed pic takes my breath away.

I'm dying to know what brand that shirt is...


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