
10 February 2012

Kobayashi at His Buffest

The picture above was taken at a Tokyo gym in 2007 or 2008 when Kobayashi was at or near his biggest, baddest and buffest. At this size he was super hot.  I love that even buffed up, he has cobbled abs and look at those traps!  I'd be happy to feed that muscle man.

The picture above, recently surfaced, of Kobayashi in 2007.  Check out the hotness of the man!  He had some serious quads, a small waist and a torso of an Adonis.  Seeing a most muscular pose from Kobayashi at his buffest point is awesome.  Love to imagine the strength in those arms.

The picture below, I've written about before, we can see the shear strength Kobayashi developed while he was training.  If I'm not mistaken, here he is dead lifting well over 800 pounds.  I count  1 50kg plate and 6 45lb plates plus what looks like a 25lb plate.  That's 110 + 270 + 25 = 405 pounds.  Double it for the equal number of plates on the other side of the bar and that IS 810 pounds.  Add the weight of the bar, generally 45 pounds and the guy, said to be 5'-7" or so, is dead lifting 855 pounds!

If he was about 180 pounds or so when this was taken, that means he is lifting 4.75x his own weight!  My God, that is strong!  When the photo was taken he was telling people he weighed 165 pounds.  If that was true he was lifting more than 5x his weight.  That is epic strength!

Even when I was bodybuilding, at a height of 5'-9" and a top off season weight of 205lbs, I couldn't dead lift more than 425 pounds.  This little Asian brute was more than 2x stronger than I ever was at a considerably lighter weight.  The man was a freaking muscle god, ever so worship worthy and sexy as hell!

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