This may fall under the category of "unexpected muscle". Unexpected muscle is when you encounter muscle where you didn't expect it. For some reason, that is a pretty cool thing and perhaps a bit more erotic than muscle where you do expect it.
For instance, I recently encountered these images and they kind of blew my mind. The first is former boy bander, Lance Bass. He was always kind of dorky and had weird eyes. I'd never found him very attractive. But then I saw this:

The other picture was even more surprising to me. Adrien Brody, the skinny Academy Award winning actor was, to me, a lot cause. Way too skinny, tall, gawky with a bid nose. Great actor, but not attractive to me in the least. Then I recently saw this photo of him:
Jiminy Crickets! When did THAT happen? I know he didn't always have muscles like that. Not that he's going to be competing in the Olympia or anything, but damn, he's got pecs! I believe he's a tall guy and probably a "hard gainer", so this picture represents a ton of hard work. And he looks hot, too.

When did these guys get beefy? And, more importantly, are they gonna keep it up and get even bigger? Now, that would be sweet. I'll have to keep my eyes on them for future growth.
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