
19 May 2011

If He Looks Like This At 15...

Seriously, if this kid looks this amazing at 15 ... he's a boxer and his training includes some unconventional things ... can you imagine what he may look like at 19? or 21?  or 30?

Apparently, he's a pretty successful boxer in his age and weight class, too.  Hell, one look at him and his opponents are going to be scared!

11 May 2011

Muscles In Motion

I just really enjoyed this one.  It makes no sense, but his biceps are beautiful:

And this one is a pretty impressive feat of strength and balance:

These guys are strong!  It takes a lot of strength to use another person as a barbell!  And that strength is really sexy.  And the fact that they don't have bodybuilder physiques makes their strength that much more amazing to me.  I don't expect skinny looking guys to be that strong.  But then, a good look at those biceps and then it all comes clear.


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