
18 April 2011

Da Lorenzo!

I admit it, I am a fan of Lorenzo Becker.  The guy has turned himself from a skinny little guy into a HUGE teen muscle beast.  This is one of his most recent pictures.  There is little to fault in this picture except, perhaps, the lighting and the fact that he is wearing a shirt.  With muscles like his, why wear shirts?  But regardless, look at the arms Lorenzo has!  They are massive and vascular and the shirt can't contain them.  The muscles are just pushing the shirt down into the deep valley between his biceps and deltoids.  All I have to say is, hummina, hummina!

05 April 2011


There is something "off" about this picture. It may be a morph. I honestly can't tell. All I know is that it is hot! The tiny waist contrasted with the big arms and shoulders is a real trigger for me. And then that ridiculously small sleeveless crop top makes all the proportions seem even weirder...but in a really good way.


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